Introduction 序言

Every game player is a potential game designer, and that means you.


When you were a kid, you probably started many a game of whiffle ball or Monopoly with a little negotiation over the rules. "If the ball gets stuck in a tree, it's an out," "Chance and Community Chest fines go into a pool, and whoever lands on Free Parking gets the money," and so on. Kids don't hesitate to change the rules of existing games to make them more enjoyable. The participatory nature of playing a game encourages us to think about, and sometimes modify, its rules—that is, its design. And that's just as true of video games, too. We've all played games that we thought could be improved by a few adjustments.


But some people want to do more than alter the rules; they want to create entirely new games and even new kinds of games. Their heads are full of worlds to play in, characters to encounter, challenges to meet. Because you're reading this, you're almost certainly one of those people. Chances are that right this minute, you've got a great idea for a game your head—maybe half a dozen of them. But how do you turn a game idea into a game design?


From Idea to Design 从创意到设计

We wrote this book to answer that question, specifically for people who want to design computer and video games. We discuss both the theory and the practice of game design: the why and the how. A design is much more than an idea; it's a blueprint for building an enjoyable and challenging game. We'll give you practical advice about how to design a game, what kinds of decisions you'll face as you go along, and how to write it all down in a design document. The design document communicates your intentions to the people who will build your game, and even if you plan to build it by yourself, you still need to keep a record of the choices you've made—and those you still need to make. By the end of this book, you will have the tools you need to design many kinds of games, and to create a professional-quality game design document.


What This Book Is (and Isn't) About 这本书是什么(不是什么)?

Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design contains our combined thoughts on the important issues that relate to designing games. We don't claim that it's the final word on game design. No book could be. We have chosen to address areas that we believe are important and under-served, and we don't expect everyone to agree with us on every point. That's the beauty and the terror of game design: There are no right answers.


We offer a game design methodology intended to spur your thinking and get your creative juices flowing. In this book, you will not find step-by-step instructions on how to create the next Doom or Tetris clone. Instead, we discuss the central issues that every game designer must face, and we pose a series of questions for you to ask yourself about the game that's in your head. The answers to those questions will move you along the path from idea to design.


One area that we have not addressed is level design. The reason for this is simple: There is no one standard way to design levels. Level design considerations are different for each genre of game, and we simply don't have the space to address them all properly. By examining the essential elements of a genre, we hope to give you the tools to design enjoyable levels, but the process itself is, as they say, left as an exercise for the reader."


You are at the beginning of a voyage of discovery. Our book is a map with white space beyond the borders. We are sharing what we know about game design in order to enable you to navigate through the familiar regions and then to press on into terra incognita. We hope that you will in turn transmit your own learning to others, continuing to fill in the map and helping to push out the boundaries of game design. The journey begins here.


How This Book Is Organized 本书的编排方式

Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design is divided into two parts. The first eight chapters are about designing games in general: what a game is, how it works, and what kinds of decisions you have to make to create one. The next ten chapters are about different genres of games and the design considerations peculiar to each genre.


Part One: The Elements of Game Design 第一部分:游戏设计的要素

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to game design: what the designer needs to do and why. It also discusses the key talents and skills that game designers should have.


Chapter 2 is about game concepts: where the idea for a game comes from and how to refine it. The audience and the target hardware (the machine the game will run on) both have a strong influence on the direction the game will take.


Chapter 3 is about the game's setting and world: the place where the gameplay happens, and the way things work there. As the designer, you're the god of your world, and it's up to you to define its concepts of time and space, mechanics, and natural laws, as well as many other things: its logic, emotions, culture, and values.


Chapter 4 delves into the problems of storytelling and narrative: how to create a compelling storyline, and how to balance the inevitable tension between your desire for control as a designer, and the player's desire for freedom as an actor in your world.


Chapter 5 addresses character design: inventing the people, or beings, that populate your game world—especially the character who will represent the player there (his avatar), if there is one. Every successful entertainer from Homer onward has understood the importance of having an appealing protagonist.



Chapter 6 is about user interface design: the way that the player experiences and interacts with the game world. A bad user interface can kill an otherwise brilliant game, so you must get this right.


Chapter 7 discusses gameplay, the heart of the player's mental experience of a game: the challenges he faces and the actions he takes to overcome them.


Chapter 8 looks at the internal economy or core mechanics of a game, and the flow of resources (money, points, ammunition, or whatever) throughout the game. It also addresses the key issue essential to all games: game balance.


Part Two: The Genres of Games 第二部分:游戏类型

Chapter 9 is about the earliest, and still the most popular, genre of interactive entertainment: action games.


Chapter 10 discusses another genre that has been part of gaming since the beginning: strategy games, both real-time and turn-based.


Chapter 11 is about role-playing games, a natural outgrowth of pencil and paper games such as Dungeons & Dragons.


Chapter 12 looks at sports games, which have a number of peculiar design challenges. The actual contest itself is designed by others; the trick is to map human athletic activities onto a screen and control devices.


Chapter 13 addresses vehicle simulations: cars, planes, boats, and other, more exotic modes of transportation such as tanks and mechs.


Chapter 14 is about construction and management simulations, in which the player tries to build and maintain something—a city, a theme park, a planet—within the limitations of an economic system.


Chapter 15 explores adventure games, an old and unique genre of gaming recently given new life by the creation of a hybrid type, the action adventure.


Chapter 16 examines a variety of other types of games: artificial life, software toys, puzzle games, and so on.


Chapter 17 is devoted to online games, which is not a genre but a technology. Online games enable people to play with, or against, each other in numbers from two up to hundreds of thousands. Playing against real people that you cannot see has enormous consequences for the game's design. The second half of the chapter addresses the particular problems of persistent worlds like EverQuest.

第十七章专门讨论网络游戏,这不是一种类型,而是一种技术。网络游戏可以让人们相互之间进行游戏或对战,游戏人数从两个人到数十万人不等。与看不见的真人对战对游戏的设计产生了巨大的影响。本章的后半部分讨论了像 EverQuest 这样的持久世界的特殊问题。

Chapter 18 takes a look at the future of gaming and where we believe the medium will go, both in the short and long term.


Part Three: Appendixes 第三部分:附录 附录

Appendix A includes sample design documents and an extensive discussion of what they're used for.

附录 A 包括示例设计文档,以及对其用途的广泛讨论。

Appendix B is a bibliography of works that either we used in writing this book, or that we find particularly useful in creating our own designs.

附录 B 是一份参考书目,收录了我们在编写本书时使用过的作品,或者我们认为对我们自己的设计特别有用的作品。

Non-Computer Games, Too! 非电脑游戏也是如此

This book is primarily about designing interactive entertainment: computer and video games of various kinds. You will notice, however, that we frequently refer to non-computerized games as well—card games like poker, board games like Monopoly, and so on. We do this for three reasons:


First, those games are likely to be familiar to the largest number of people. Not all of our readers will have played computer games such as Planescape: Torment, and some will be too young to remember Colossal Cave, but everyone has heard of chess.


Second, simpler, non-computerized games tend to be designed around a single principle, so they serve to illustrate that principle well.


Finally, we believe that the essence of game design has little to do with the game's delivery medium. The principles that are common to all good games are independent of the means by which they are presented. A good game designer should be able to design board games, card games, pencil-and-paper games, and computer games with equal facility.


A Word About Pronouns 关于代词

Because English doesn't include a gender-neutral pronoun applicable to humans, we have chosen to alternate, more or less randomly, between the use of "he" and "she" when speaking of indefinite individuals such as "the player" and "the designer." After we have designated "the player" to be male or female in a given context, we retain that usage throughout the section in order to avoid confusion. We feel that constructions such as "s/he" and "he or she" are awkward and distracting. However, if you find yourself pulled up short by the idea of a female player of sports games or a male designer of Barbie games, that's all to the good. We don't believe that games should be segregated into pink genres for women and blue genres for men, and as a designer you should be aware that your game could be played by anyone, male or female.

由于英语缺乏适用于人类的性别中立代词,因此我们在谈论“玩家”和“设计师”等非特定个体时,或多或少随机交替使用“他”和“她”。一旦我们在特定情境中将“玩家”指定为男性或女性,我们就会在整个章节中保持这种用法以避免混淆。我们认为,“s/he”和“he or she”这样的结构很别扭,会分散注意力。不过,如果你发现自己被体育游戏的女性玩家或芭比娃娃游戏的男性设计师的想法所困扰,这也是好事。我们不认为游戏应该分为粉色的女性游戏和蓝色的男性游戏,作为一名设计师,你应该意识到你的游戏可以被任何人玩,无论男女。

As for ourselves—well, we describe ourselves as "we." Andrew wrote some chapters and Ernest wrote others, and then we swapped them around and traded comments and suggestions. But we haven't identified who wrote what; we each take responsibility for the whole book.




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