Chapter 4. Storytelling and Narrative 第四章:讲故事与叙事
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Stories are as old as communication itself. Since the first protohominids daubed their paintings on the rough walls of their caves, stories have been told. Stories and games have been intertwined to varying degrees for almost as long.
Computer games generally have some sort of story attached to them as well. Sometimes it is a one-paragraph backstory. In other cases, it's a fully integrated story line—where the game is the story.
In this chapter, we discuss some guidelines for constructing compelling stories and integrating them into game designs. To some extent, the importance of story integration is dependent on the type of game you are designing: Some games require more integration than others. For example, a simple game such as Space Invaders requires only a one-liner: "Aliens are invading Earth, and only you can stop them." Why? It doesn't matter. The player's imagination takes care of that. At the other end of the spectrum, adventure games such as Grim Fandango and Discworld Noir have a detailed and involving story line, as convoluted and structured as any novel. And, of course, we have the middle range—games in which story is important but is not the overriding gameplay feature. This concept is illustrated in Figure 4.1. As we progress across the story spectrum from left to right, the importance of the story increases. Examples of games such as this include Half-Life and Luigi's Mansion (shown in Figure 4.2).
在本章中,我们将讨论构建引人入胜的故事并将其融入游戏设计的一些指导原则。在某种程度上,故事整合的重要性取决于你所设计的游戏类型:有些游戏比其他游戏需要更多的整合。例如,像《太空侵略者》这样的简单游戏只需要一句话:“外星人正在入侵地球,只有你能阻止他们”。为什么?这并不重要。玩家的想象力可以解决这个问题。在另一端,冒险游戏如《冥界狂想曲》和《碟形世界:无尽黑夜》的故事情节详尽而跌宕起伏,其曲折性和结构性不亚于任何小说。当然,我们还有位于中间的游戏——在这些游戏中,故事很重要,但并不是压倒一切的游戏特征。图 4.1 举例说明了这一概念。当我们从左到右跨越故事光谱时,故事的重要性就会增加。这样的游戏包括《半条命》和《路易吉洋楼》(如图 4.2 所示)。
Figure 4.1. The story spectrum. 图 4.1. 故事光谱。
Figure 4.2. Luigi's Mansion. 图 4.2. 《路易吉洋楼》。
In Half-Life, the story is an important part of the flavor of the game, but aside from acting as a mechanism to allow the player to become more immersed in the game world, it bears no relevance to the actual gameplay. (And by this we mean that the gameplay of Half-Life is virtually identical to that of any other first-person shooter; it's just the story and setting that give it the edge.)
The use of stories in games is a fundamental part of game design. A game without a story becomes an abstract construct. Of course, for some games, such as Tetris, this is ideal, but the vast majority are much improved by the addition of a story.
Over the course of the 20th century, story form and design have been researched. As always, research gravitates toward money, so the most significant portion of this research over the last few years has tended to be about Hollywood and the movie industry. The rewards for a hit movie are usually much greater than the equivalent rewards for a best-selling book, so this is where we find the most accessible information.
20 世纪以来,人们一直在研究故事的形式和设计。一如既往,研究都是为了赚钱,所以过去几年中最重要的研究往往都是关于好莱坞和电影业的。一部卖座电影的回报通常比一本畅销书的回报要高得多,因此我们能在这里找到最容易获得的信息。
The main focus of story-form research has been based on the concept of the monomyth: the fundamental story form that is common to most, if not all, accomplished literature and movies. We'll be discussing the structure of the monomyth a bit later. Of course, we are not saying that all stories conform to this formulaic approach. Many do, but not all. What we can say is that the concepts and ideas behind the monomyth are present in some form in virtually all nontrivial stories.
Previously, we mentioned the story spectrum as applied to games. At one end of the spectrum, we have the light backstory—usually a brief sentence or paragraph that sets the theme for a game. This is usually fairly trivial stuff, so we will not concern ourselves with it much. However, toward the other end of the spectrum, the importance of the story increases, culminating in those games in which the story is the game. In these cases, you will find the recurring elements of the monomyth, and it is in these cases that the structure and definition of the story is most important. Hence, it is this area that we will focus on.
Don't worry, though: All the concepts we discuss are equally applicable to the lighter end of the story spectrum. It's just that they are not as important for the success (or failure) of the game. If a game has a bad backstory, and the backstory has little impact on the game, then no one is really going to care. In fact, a number of games pride themselves on the absurdity of their (either real or implied) backstory. Consider Sega's Super Monkey Ball. The player's avatar is a monkey. In a ball. Collecting bananas. And as far as we can tell, that is the extent of the story, which is fine for that particular game. Any attempt to flesh it out further would be extraneous effort.
Not all games require a detailed and rigorous story. Often a couple of short paragraphs just setting the background are required. For example, a game such as R-Type doesn't need much of a story line. An evil galactic empire is invading, and you're the only one who can stop it. Original? No. Good enough for the purpose? Yes.
If a game doesn't require a detailed backstory, there is nothing to be gained by adding one. Think carefully before you decide this, though; consider the difference that the addition of a story made to Half-Life. (For those of you who don't know, Half-Life was the first decent attempt at a first-person shooter with a strong backstory.)
Games such as the Mario series often have simple backstories that are expanded upon during the game. The story line does not affect the gameplay to a restrictive degree, but it does provide direction and increases the interest level. By creating a loose story line that does not impact the gameplay, the designer increases the interest level by using the story line to involve the player in the plight of the characters.
Commonly, the backstory is used to provide a framework for a mission-based game structure. For the majority of games, this is the ideal approach. As the complexity of the game increases, the relative importance of the story to the gameplay can (but does not have to) increase. For example, the story line of a simple arcade game is a lot less important to the gameplay than in the case of a more complex game such as a role-playing game. This is shown in Figure 4.1.
通常,背景故事被用来为基于任务的游戏结构提供一个框架。对于大多数游戏来说,这是理想的方法。随着游戏复杂程度的增加,故事与游戏玩法的相对重要性可以(但不一定)增加。例如,一个简单的街机游戏的故事线对游戏性的重要性要比一个更复杂的游戏(如角色扮演游戏)小得多。如图 4.1 所示。
It is important for the designer to consider who exactly the storyteller is. Who is the main driving force behind the narrative? Is it the designer or the player? Often a game designer falls victim to "frustrated author syndrome." The designer feels as if she should be writing a great novel and forces a linear and restrictive story line onto the player.
In other cases, the designer might swamp the player with reams of unnecessary dialogue or narrative. The player then has to fight his way through the excessive text, attempting to sort the wheat from the chaff.
译者注:sort the wheat from the chaff,去芜存菁,沙中淘金。这里的意思是啰嗦文字太多,有用的信息很少。
The main distinguishing factor between games and other forms of entertainment is the level of interactivity. If players just wanted a story, they could watch a movie or read a book. When players are playing a game, they do not want to be force-fed a story that limits the gameplay. Stories generally are not interactive; the amount of branching available in the story tree is limited, so only a few alternative narrative paths are usually available. Hence, the story needs to be handled carefully. It should not be forced on the player, and wherever possible, you should avoid railroading the player down limited story paths because of your own frustrated author syndrome.
So what is the answer to the question of who the storyteller is? Simple. The players should be the primary storytellers. They are the stars of the show. The time they spend playing the game is their time to shine, not yours. Consequently, the game should be structured so that for the majority of the time, they are telling their own story.
The theme of a story is the philosophical idea that the author is trying to express. You can think of it as the "defining question" of the work. For example, can love triumph? Is murder ever justified? Are dreams real? Is death the end? We've said that the true author of a game narrative is (or should be) the player. Game design can steer the player toward the favored themes of the designer, but it's like leading the proverbial horse to water. You cannot force the players to think your way. Bearing these caveats in mind, let us continue with a discussion of story structure.
译者注:you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink。谚语,意思是牵马到河易,强马饮水难。
What is this construct that we are calling the monomyth? In 1949, Joseph Campbell published a seminal work called The Hero with a Thousand Faces, exploring the interrelationship among the legends and myths of cultures throughout the world and extracting a complex pattern that all of these stories followed. This pattern, the monomyth, is called "The Hero's Journey" and describes a series of steps and sequences that the story follows, charting the progress of the story's hero. The archetypal character types—those that occur across all cultures and ages—are incumbent features of the hero's journey. These powerful archetypes are so innately recognizable by all individuals through Jung's concept of the collective unconscious that they have a familiar resonance that serves to strengthen and validate the story. We cover these in detail in the next chapter. The following quote summarizes Campbell's belief in the universal story form.
什么是我们所说的“单一神话”?1949 年,约瑟夫·坎贝尔出版了一部开创性著作《千面英雄》,探讨了世界各地文化传说和神话之间的相互关系,总结出了所有这些故事都遵循的一个综合模式。这种模式,单一神话,被称为“英雄之旅”,描述了故事所遵循的一系列步骤和顺序,描绘了故事主人公的成长历程。原型人物类型——那些出现在所有文化和时代中的人物——是英雄之旅的固有特征。通过荣格的集体无意识概念,这些强大的原型是所有个体与生俱来就能识别的,因此它们会产生一种熟悉的共鸣,从而强化和认可故事。我们将在下一章详细介绍。下面这段话概括了坎贝尔对普遍故事形式的信念。
"Whether we listen with aloof amusement to [a] … witch doctor of the Congo, or read with cultivated rapture thin translations from the sonnets of the mystic Lao-tse; now and again crack the hard nutshell of an argument of Aquinas, or catch suddenly the shining meaning of [an] … Eskimo fairy tale: it will always be the one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find, together with a challengingly persistent suggestion of more remaining to be experienced than will even be known or told."
—Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1949
——约瑟夫·坎贝尔,《千面英雄》,1949 年
Despite the excellence of Campbell's book, it can be somewhat heavy going, and for all but the most story-intensive games, it could be considered overkill. The Hero with a Thousand Faces is recommended as an essential addition to the game designer's reference library. For the purposes of this chapter, we want to make use of a slightly lighter analysis, one that has been updated with modern considerations and that presents the concepts in a clearer fashion.
Fortunately, such a work exists. In 1993, screenwriter Christopher Vogler published the first edition of a book based on a seven-page pamphlet that he had been circulating around the Hollywood studio where he worked. This pamphlet, "A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey," took the movie industry by storm, and the obvious step for Vogler was to expand the work and publish a book based on it. This book, The Writer's Journey, presents the concepts and ideas of the hero's journey in a concise and easily digestible form. It's not a perfect fit for our purposes, but it is an excellent start. As such, it forms the basis of our analysis of stories and comes heavily recommended. Any serious game designer needs to read this book thoroughly.
幸运的是,这样的作品已经存在。1993 年,编剧克里斯托弗·沃格勒根据他在自己工作的好莱坞制片厂传阅的一本七页小册子出版了本书的第一版。这本名为《英雄之旅实用指南》的小册子在电影界掀起了一场风暴,沃格勒理所当然地将这本小册子的内容扩展开来,并出版了一本书。这本《作家之旅》以简明易懂的形式介绍了英雄之旅的概念和思想。这本书并不完全符合我们的目的,但却是一个很好的开始。因此,它构成了我们分析故事的基础,值得大力推荐。任何严肃的游戏设计师都需要通读此书。
Note that we are not just trying to feed you the line that games are merely interactive movies. That is plainly not true. They are an entirely different medium. However, the ideas presented by Campbell and Vogler are universal. They transcend the medium of film and are applicable—at least, to some extent—directly to the field of game design, particularly where the story line is a major factor in the design.
One of the chief arguments against patterns—especially when related to design aspects—is that they stifle creativity, producing a lackluster and formulaic output. Of course, if you just take the basic interpretation and apply it, this can be true.
However, it should be realized that the monomyth is a form, not a formula. It is a set of guidelines for creating a rewarding and fulfilling story line, not a cookie-cutter template for autogenerating the same tired old story in a slightly different guise. Another important point to bear in mind is that we are using the term hero to refer to either sex. It could just as easily apply to a female hero as it does to a male.
然而,我们应该认识到,“单一神话”只是一种形式,而不是一个公式。 它是一套创造有价值、有成就感的故事线的指南,而不是一个千篇一律的模板,来自动生成换汤不换药的老掉牙故事。另一个需要牢记的要点是,我们使用的英雄一词指代任何性别。无论男女,都可以成为英雄。
译者注:cookie-cutter,一种带有锋利边缘的模具装置,用于将饼干面团切成特定形状。常见的形状有圆形,五角星,梅花,小人,动物,等等。比喻大规模生产或缺乏任何显著特征的东西。 {% endhint}
With that in mind, let's take a look at this universal story form in more detail. The next few sections describe the stages present in Vogler's interpretation of the hero's journey. We will be careful to use the same terminology and notation as Vogler so that those of you who refer to his book will be able to use the same frame of reference.
Note that not all games use these structures for their story line. Some use just a few of them and miss out on key features (and, in some cases, their story usually feels somewhat unsatisfactory). For others, some of the steps are inappropriate and would add nothing to the game. For example, many games gloss over the introduction to the ordinary world and the hero's refusal of the call. Sometimes that is ideal—the player actually wants to be a gung-ho hero who is ready for anything, no matter how unrealistic that might be. There is no law, written or unwritten, that says that games have to conform to reality. They just have to be self-consistent.
The steps in Vogler's hero's journey are as follows:
The ordinary world.
The call to adventure.
The refusal of the call.
The meeting with the mentor.
Crossing the first threshold.
Tests, allies, and enemies.
The approach to the innermost cave.
The ordeal.
The reward.
The road back.
The resurrection.
The return with the reward.
We discuss these in detail and apply the ideas to game story design in the following sections.
All stories should start at the beginning (or thereabouts). The ordinary world is where the player first meets the hero and is introduced to her background and normal existence.
The ordinary world of the hero is used to set up the story, to provide a mundane canvas for the storyteller to contrast with the special world that the hero will be entering in the game. Often the introduction to the ordinary world of the hero is combined with a prologue. The prologue generally takes one of two forms:
Explains the events that have happened to the hero so far, setting up the context for what is about to happen 解释迄今为止发生在主人公身上的事件,为即将发生的事情设定背景
Provides a snippet of the special world, either by covering past events in the special world that are about to collide with the hero in the ordinary world or by foreshadowing an event to come 提供特殊世界的片段,可以是特殊世界中即将与普通世界中的英雄发生碰撞的过去事件,也可以是预示即将发生的事件
Care must be taken with the backstory and how this story is revealed to the player. Don't just blurt it out in one go. Nothing appears flatter than a straightforward monologue detailing the hero's background and motivations. It's far better to reveal the backstory gracefully. Make the player work a bit to put the pieces together. It's a more rewarding experience, and it makes the player feel as if he has achieved something in uncovering the story.
Foreshadowing is a powerful technique in storytelling. Consider an example from the introduction to Valve's Half-Life. The noninteractive opening scenes tell the story of Gordon Freeman, who has accepted a research position at the ultrasecretive Black Mesa research laboratory. As Gordon takes the underground monorail to the main security entrance, he gets a glimpse of the ordinary world of the research facility. At certain points throughout the journey, Gordon's attention is drawn to various constructs and facilities that will feature heavily in the special world when the catastrophic accident occurs. Another more explicit example of foreshadowing occurs at the point at which the accident occurs. When the experiment goes awry and the dimensional rift is opened, Gordon is transported to a variety of strange locations and glimpses strange alien landscapes and beings. This (unbeknownst to Gordon) is a taste of things to come.
在讲故事的过程中,预示是一种强大的技巧。请看 Valve 的《半条命》介绍中的一个例子。非交互式的开场场景讲述了戈登·弗里曼的故事,他接受了超神秘的黑梅萨研究实验室的研究职位。当戈登乘坐地下单轨列车前往主要安全入口时,他看到了研究设施的普通世界。在整个旅程中的某些时刻,戈登的注意力被吸引到各种建筑和设施上,这些建筑和设施将在灾难性事故发生时在特殊世界中大显身手。另一个更明确的预示例子发生在事故发生的时刻。当实验出现意外,维度裂缝被打开时,戈登被传送到各种奇怪的地方,并瞥见了奇怪的外星景观和生物。这(戈登并不知道)是对未来事物的预示。
Because foreshadowing is so powerful, it is very commonly used. Often in games that have boss characters, such as shoot 'em-ups, the boss character puts in brief cameo appearances throughout the level before appearing at the end of the level for the big confrontation. The various Star Wars games (an example of which is shown in Figure 4.3) that feature the Death Star often use this technique. The Death Star appears as part of the background graphics a couple of levels before the player is called upon to destroy it. As soon as it appears, ominously hanging in the distance like a small moon, the player knows that sooner or later he will be there.
因为预示的作用非常强大,所以它被非常普遍地使用。通常,在有头目角色的游戏(如射击类游戏)中,头目角色会在整个关卡中短暂客串,然后在关卡结束时出现,与玩家展开激烈的正面对抗。以“死星”为特色的各种《星球大战》游戏(如图 4.3 所示)经常使用这种技巧。在玩家被要求摧毁死星之前的几个关卡中,死星会作为背景画面的一部分出现。它一出现,就像一个小月亮一样不祥地悬挂在远处,玩家就知道自己迟早会去那里。
Figure 4.3. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II. 图 4.3. 《星球大战:侠盗中队 II》。
This foreshadowing is so effective because it contrasts the special world against the ordinary world. This confuses the player, and confusion eases the process of mental suggestion. Players who are susceptible to mental suggestion are easier to immerse in the game. The willing suspension of disbelief that the designer is aiming for becomes that little bit easier to achieve.
The "Ordinary World" section is the place to introduce the reasoning and motivation behind the hero's being who she is. Why is she even in this situation? What is the game actually going to be about? Here we discuss the best way to get that information to the player without being blatant and uninteresting.
This is where you introduce the hero to the player. You want to make the player identify with the hero. This is crucial—if you fail to do this, there is no compunction to play the game. There are many ways to do this, but probably the most effective way to get the player to identify with the hero is to play on the player's emotions.
We discuss non–story-based methods of creating the bond between the player and the hero in the next chapter. For now, let's consider how you can use the story to accomplish the same task. Often in classical literature, the hero has a flaw or some mental or spiritual wound that the reader can empathize with. This doesn't necessarily mean that the hero needs to be an inmate of a mental asylum (although some games have used just that mechanism—American McGee's Alice, shown in Figure 4.4, was set in the fantasies of a female patient).
我们将在下一章讨论在玩家和主人公之间建立联系的非故事性方法。现在,让我们考虑一下如何利用故事来完成同样的任务。在古典文学作品中,主人公通常都有缺点,或者有一些心理或精神上的创伤,让读者感同身受。这并不一定意味着主人公必须是精神病院的囚犯(尽管有些游戏正是采用了这种机制——图 4.4 中所示的《爱丽丝梦游魔境》就是以一位女病人的幻想为背景的)。
Figure 4.4. American McGee's Alice. 图 4.4. 《爱丽丝梦游魔境》。
An example is Gordon Freeman's inexperience in his new job. Gordon is a new employee in a top-secret lab. The player can empathize with this. We're pretty sure that the vast majority of Half-Life players would also feel rather overwhelmed in Gordon's position. The superb introductory sequence amplifies this sense of awe and transmits it to the player. In this way, a bond is created between the player and the avatar.
The call to adventure is the first inkling the hero gets that she is going to be leaving the security of the ordinary world to enter the special world of the adventure ahead.
Now, bear in mind that the players already know they are going to be entering a special world, so it is very difficult to surprise them. It can be done—you can take the story line off at a tangent they would never expect—but the safer and easier approach is to make use of this expectation and build up the players' anticipation levels so that they can hardly wait to enter the special world. Don't try to maintain this buildup for too long, however. The player bought the game to play it, not to wait until the designer allows him to play it.
The call to adventure can take many forms. Infogrames's Outcast (see Figure 4.5) portrays the hero, retired Special Forces man Cutter Slade, sitting in a bar knocking back straight whiskies. As he is sitting nursing his drink, several G-men approach him and inform him that he is needed with the utmost urgency by Cutter's old commanding officer. This is his first call to adventure.
冒险的召唤可以有多种形式。Infogrames 的《时空英豪》(见图 4.5)描绘了退役特种兵卡特·斯莱德坐在酒吧里喝威士忌的情景。就在他喝着酒的时候,几个探员找到他,告诉他以前的指挥官急需他的帮助。这是他第一次接到冒险的召唤。
Figure 4.5. Outcast. 图4.5. 《时空英豪》。
The call to adventure is often the catalyst or trigger that initiates the story line. It can take many forms, and we detail some of those here. In a few stories, the hero receives multiple calls. It then becomes the task of the hero to decide how to prioritize these calls—which to answer first or which to reject outright. In some cases, these priorities will already have been decided—or at least hinted at—by the designer.
Ultima VII epitomizes this concept. The avatar really leaves his own world through an obelisk into the fictional world of Brittania. In a sense, there are two dimensions to the fiction in the game because the "real world" is the initial setting of a fictional story. This extra dimension adds tremendously to the game experience, by adding yet another level to the suspension of disbelief. When playing Ultima VII, the player is fully engaged in the game world and the character. When players occasionally do think about the "real world," it is often thoughts of the avatar's "real world," not their own. They empathize with the avatar's wish to return home. In other words, they're sympathetic to the plight of a fictional game character!
Often the call to adventure is personal to the hero. Nintendo uses this technique a lot, particularly in the Mario series of games. For example, usually the Princess manages to get herself captured, and Mario, being the sterling sort of hero that he is, feels a burning urge to rescue her. This is a common thread running through the entire series of games. The call to adventure often involves family or friends in jeopardy. In Luigi's Mansion, Luigi is called upon to rescue his brother, who is lost inside a mysterious haunted house.
Of course, the call does not need to be on a level personal to the hero. External events are often used as a call to adventure. Some grand event happening on a large scale might act as the call. In these cases, only the hero's sense of decency (or other motivation, such as avarice) propels the hero into adventure.
Temptation can always be used as a call. Many forms of temptation exist, but in games, it usually comes in the form of greed. There are various reasons for this. One is that sexual temptation does not make a very good theme for a game. A few games have tried to use this, but they were, for the most part, poor games, and in some cases, verged on the extremely distasteful, with Custer's Revenge (which can be seen with a Google search) being a particularly obnoxious (and classic) example.
A far safer and more socially acceptable form of temptation is greed. (You've got to love capitalism!) For example, many games use the old "earn as much cash as possible" or "treasure hunting" paradigms as the call to adventure. Games such as Monopoly Tycoon (and, in fact, the majority of the tycoon-style games) use greed as the motivation to play. Remember, kiddies, greed is good! Even Luigi's Mansion uses treasure hunting as a secondary call (as do the majority of the other games in the series). The primary call is to rescue Mario, but the secondary call is to get rich in the process.
Sometimes the call comes in the form of a message from a herald, a character archetype. The herald does not have to be an ally of the hero. In fact, the character acting as the herald might reappear as another character archetype later in the game, such as the mentor or the shadow. Examples of the use of the herald to deliver the call are present in many games. The specific example we will use here is Lionhead's Black & White. In this game, two mentor characters representing the good and evil sides of the player vie for the player's attention. Both characters call the player to adventure—one on the side of good, and one on the side of evil.
有时,召唤会以预言家(一种人物原型)信息的形式出现。预言者不一定是主人公的盟友。事实上,充当传令者的角色可能会在游戏后期作为另一种角色原型再次出现,例如导师或影子。许多游戏中都有使用传令官传递召唤的例子。我们在此使用的具体例子是 Lionhead 的《黑与白》。在这款游戏中,代表玩家善恶两面的两个导师角色争夺玩家的注意力。两个角色都号召玩家去冒险——一个站在善的一方,一个站在恶的一方。
In other situations, the call to adventure isn't an explicit call. It can be the result of a void felt by the hero due to a lack of or a need for something. What that "something" is can be the choice of the game designer. For example, in Planescape: Torment, the call for adventure is lack of knowledge on the part of the hero. The fact that he is referred to as the Nameless One indicates the magnitude of the call.
The call to adventure does not need to be optional. The hero isn't always given a choice (even if the player is: He can choose to play or not to play). In Space Invaders, the call to adventure is the need to destroy all the aliens to prevent the player's own destruction.
In the traditional monomyth form, the next stage after the call is the refusal. This is the representation of the hero rejecting the offer to leave her comfortable ordinary world. It does not have to be portrayed as a grandiose event—often the refusal amounts to little more than a quiet moment of personal doubt or a brief rebellious outburst on the part of the hero.
For a computer game, the call is usually not refused—especially if there is only one call. After all, if that were to occur, there would be no game. That is not to say that the refusal is never issued. Usually, however, it forms part of the initial background story, as is the case with Cutter Slade in Outcast. Cutter's response to the plea for assistance from the G-men is to turn away, slug back a shot of whiskey, and growl, "I'm retired." As an example of drama, this is far more involving than if he'd just leapt to attention and replied, "Yes sir, let's go." It's more believable and compelling, leaving the player wondering, "Will he or won't he?" even though we know he will. More important, it sets the stage for conflict. And conflict, as we all know, is interesting.
The refusal of the call is usually reserved for games that place more of an emphasis on story. For example, a call refusal would make little sense in a simple arcade game; it can be added to the backstory for additional flavor, but in general, it would have little effect on the gameplay.
Any games that offer multiple quests and subquests allow for multiple refusals. As long as the overall grand quest is attended to, the game designer can allow the hero to ignore some of the smaller quests without any serious penalty.
In the case of conflicting calls—when the hero is given two or more conflicting calls simultaneously—a dynamic tension automatically is created. The player has to decide which (if any) call to follow. The classic case is the choice between good and evil. In Black & White, the player is given the choice to be an evil god or a good god (and anything in between). The player's actions determine which call he has refused.
In some cases, refusal of the call can be seen as a positive action. The call to adventure can be a negative thing. For example, the hero might be offered a quest that involves partaking in some form of action that would result in unpleasant consequences. In the case of a role-playing game based on the familiar Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules, a lawful good hero might be asked to perform an activity that would conflict with his alignment, such as killing a household of innocents. If the player sees it as advantageous in the long run to maintain his alignment, it would be wise to refuse this quest.
The character archetype of mentor is discussed at length in the next chapter. You've already seen an example of a mentor in the previous section, when we discussed Black & White. Another example is Morte, the first character that the Nameless One encounters in Planescape: Torment. At the start of the game, Morte's main purpose is to provide the Nameless One with information about his location and situation. As the Nameless One progresses further, Morte provides further tips and helpful suggestions until he is more familiar with his surroundings.
If the call to adventure is seen as the catalyst to the story, creating an impulse and motive where previously there were none, then the meeting with the mentor serves to give direction to these unleashed forces. When the hero decides to take action, it is the task of the mentor archetype to give the hero the information needed to choose which action to take.
Note that the mentor does not have to be a single character. Often the mentor is a clichéd wise old man, but there is no reason why this should be the case. The position of the mentor archetype can be filled by any combination of characters that give the hero information. In fact, the mentor does not even need to be a character. The hero can use past experiences, a library, a television, or any other information source. It's not important what or who fills the role of the mentor, as long as the information the hero needs is provided.
After the hero has decided to leave the ordinary world, accepted the call to adventure, and discovered what needs to be done, she still has to make that first step and commit to the adventure. Vogler refers to this as "crossing the threshold" from the safe and comfortable ordinary world into the dangerous and strange special world of the quest ahead.
This step is not always optional. Sometimes the hero is thrust into the special world against her will. For example, in Planescape: Torment, the amnesiac hero wakes into the special world at the start of the game, with only a few tattered memories of the ordinary world from which he came.
To enter the special world, the hero must mentally prepare, garner her courage, and perform a certain amount of symbolic loin girding to confidently enter the strange and unknown experiences ahead. Often the hero expresses misgivings, concerns, and fears but makes the crossing anyway. This is a good time to bond the player with the hero by creating a sense of concern. The threshold guardian archetype often comes into play here. This could be manifested as the hero's own misgivings, the fear of the hero's companions, a warning from the enemy who the hero seeks to defeat, or any combination of these.
译者注:loin girding,古代近东人穿着束腰外衣,当男人从事苦役或者打仗时,束腰外衣的下摆常常会妨碍。因此,他们会把下摆卷起,将其塞入腰带或打结以使其远离地面。因此,“束紧腰”就是告诉他准备好艰苦工作或战斗。
The opening scene of Midway's Pac-Land (shown in Figure 4.6) shows Pac-Man leaving the ordinary world of his home and setting out of a strange road full of danger and mystery. The act of leaving the house and heading off through the dangerous ghost-infested path is the crossing of the first threshold.
Midway的《吃豆人世界》(如图 4.6 所示)的开头场景显示,吃豆人离开了平凡的家庭世界,踏上了一条充满危险和神秘的陌生道路。离开家,穿过鬼魂出没的危险小路,就是跨过了第一道门槛。
Figure 4.6. Pac-Land. 图 4.6. 《吃豆人世界》。
When the first threshold of adventure is crossed, there is no turning back. The next phase is entered, and the adventure into the special world truly begins.
The crossing of the threshold is the first test. In this phase, many more similar tests are thrown at the hero. This phase is often the longest phase of a game story and makes up the bulk of a game.
In this phase, the hero ventures forth into the special world and meets many of the character archetypes on the journey. For the majority of games, the character archetypes that the player meets are either allies, shadows, or tricksters. At the left edge of the story spectrum, you would expect to meet mainly shadows. For example, in Space Invaders, the player is alone against the alien onslaught—a hero surrounded by shadow.
Slightly more complex games often provide allies, such as the fairies at the end of each Pac-Land level. In arcade-style games—those that place more emphasis on the action than the story—these are likely to be the only archetypes present. The player will go through a series of tests with successively more powerful shadows, to be given a brief respite when an ally occasionally shows up to replenish the hero's spirit and resolve. In some cases, the player might even encounter the trickster and shape-shifter archetypes in the form of false allies who turn out to be shadows after all.
In a more complex game, where story is the biggest consideration, you would expect to see many more character archetypes during this phase of the game. For example, a role-playing game with a well-developed story line would be expected to use all of the major character archetypes many times over and in varying combinations.
The main purpose of this phase in the story is to test and prepare the hero for the grand ordeal that lies ahead. Here, the hero is expected to learn the unfamiliar rules and customs of the special world. During this succession of increasingly difficult tests, the hero forges alliances and makes enemies. Depending on the nature of the game, the opportunities available for the hero to actually make enemies or allies could be limited or predestined, as is the case with most games; the majority of characters the hero meets are already enemies, and allies are few and far between. This is not necessarily a disadvantage—an element can still add flavor to a game, even if it is noninteractive.
After the succession of tests, the hero approaches the innermost cave. This is the core of the story, where the hero will find the reward he seeks. Mostly, this is toward the end of the game, but in some cases, this occurs almost exactly in the middle.
The difference between these two alternatives is that the first—where the reward is close to the end of the game—doesn't pay too much attention to the journey back. The retrieval of the reward is the high point of the journey, and the return is assumed. This has its merits. In some cases, you would not want to force the player to retrace his steps back the way he came.
The second situation, in which the reward is close to the middle of the game, pays special attention to the journey back. In this case, retrieving the reward is only half the story. Now the hero actually has to escape with the reward and return to the ordinary world in one piece. For this style of game, the journey back is well integrated into the quest and should be significantly different than the journey that brought the hero to that point.
The traditional use for this story element is to help prepare the hero for the ordeal ahead. This is done by a number of means, including doing reconnaissance, gathering information, checking or purchasing equipment, or mentally preparing and girding loins for the coming tasks.
The ordeal is the ultimate test: the fight with the nemesis. This is the culminating battle of the story. Until now, the hero might have dealt with some serious tests, but this is the real thing. The stakes are high, and the final reward is at hand.
Many games follow this pattern. In fact, any game that has a succession of levels punctuated by increasingly powerful boss enemies for the player to defeat follows this pattern. Luigi's Mansion, Quake II, Half-Life, R-Type, and Diablo II are some of these. We're sure that you can add hundreds to the list.
During the ordeal, you might try to cement the player's bond with the hero further. This is sometimes achieved by making it appear as if the hero is almost defeated, before fighting back from seemingly impossible odds to defeat the enemy.
In the ordeal, the hero faces the ultimate shadow. Defeat means failure, final and absolute. Victory means claiming the reward and the ultimate success. However, sometimes achieving victory is possible in many ways and at many levels, not all of them immediately obvious. For example, in the case of games such as LucasArts' Jedi Knight series, it could mean deciding whether to fight the ultimate nemesis.
在这场磨难中,英雄面对的是终极阴影。战败意味着彻底而绝对的失败,而胜利则意味着夺取奖励并获得最终的成功。然而,有时候取得胜利可以通过多种方式和多个层面实现,并非所有方式都是直白明显。例如,在 LucasArts 的《绝地武士》系列等游戏中,这可能意味着决定是否与终极敌人作战。
After the ultimate shadow is defeated, the reward can be claimed. The reward can come in many forms—and not all of them are positive. Sometimes the reward can be a negative option, something the hero would rather avoid but cannot, or simply was not, expecting.
More often, however, the reward is positive, even if it might not seem that way to the player. For example, the reward in Planescape: Torment is mortality and the promise of death. Although this might not seem like much of a reward to the player, to the hero—who has endured a long and painful cycle of continual death and rebirth—the ability to finally die and join his lover in the peace of eternal sleep is an ideal boon.
Many games end at this point. Some of these show the remaining story as a final cut scene. For other games, this is merely the beginning of the final phase.
Note that nothing says that the reward has to be the same one that the hero set out for at the beginning of the story. In Half-Life, Gordon Freeman initially sets out to escape from the alien-infested laboratory. By the end of the story, the stakes—and the potential reward for success—are much higher. The important thing is to make sure that the reward reflects the effort expended in reaching it. Nothing falls flat more than an insignificant reward—an excellent example of this being the ending of Unreal. After fighting the alien threat and escaping the planet, the player's avatar is left drifting in space as his escape pod runs out of fuel. The assumption is that you will eventually be rescued—or not (see Figure 4.7).
请注意,没有任何规定说奖励必须与主人公在故事开始时的出发点相同。在《半条命》中,戈登·弗里曼最初的目的是逃离外星人出没的实验室。到了故事的结尾,赌注和成功的潜在奖励都要高得多。重要的是要确保奖励能够反映出为实现奖励所付出的努力。没有什么比微不足道的奖励更让人失望了——《虚幻》的结局就是一个很好的例子。在与外星威胁战斗并逃离星球后,玩家的化身因逃生舱燃料耗尽而漂流在太空中。不知道最终会获救,还是不会(见图 4.7)。
Figure 4.7. The ending of Unreal. 图 4.7. 虚幻的结局。
With the reward won, the hero now has to prepare for the journey back to the ordinary world. The experience of the adventure will have changed the hero, and it might be difficult (if not impossible) to integrate her successfully back into the ordinary world. As we've said, most games do not go as far as this in their interactive stories—instead, they leave this and the following two story elements to a final cut scene.
Interplay's Fallout (shown in Figure 4.8) used this particular element to good effect. In this post-apocalyptic role-playing game, the hero was tasked with finding a replacement chip to the water processor to allow the vault-dwellers to continue living in their underground vault. The hero was sent out into the radioactive wilderness to find this chip and, after many adventures, successfully returned with the reward. Upon his return, he was not permitted to re-enter the vault. The vault elders claimed that he had been so changed by his journey that he was too dangerous to be allowed to live in the vault with the others. Hence, he was turned away from his old ordinary world. His special world became his new ordinary world.
Interplay 的《辐射》(如图 4.8 所示)很好地利用了这一特殊元素。在这款末世角色扮演游戏中,主人公的任务是找到水处理器的替代芯片,让地窖居民继续生活在地下地窖中。主人公被派往放射性荒野寻找芯片,经过多次冒险后,他带着奖励成功返回。回来后,他被禁止再次进入地窖。保险库的长老们声称,他的旅程改变了他,让他和其他人一起住在保险库里太危险了。因此,他被赶出了原来的普通世界。他的特殊世界成了他新的普通世界。
Figure 4.8. Fallout. 图 4.8. 《辐射》。
The resurrection is the point in the story at which all outstanding plot threads are resolved. Any problems or consequences from the retrieval of the reward are (for the most part) resolved here. Does the story resolve itself? Are any questions left unanswered? Is this an oversight on the part of the designer, or are they deliberately left open for the sequel?
The resurrection is the final set of tests the hero faces before being able to enjoy the hard-earned reward fully. In conventional stories, this is comparable to the last-minute plot twist: Just when you think the story is over and the hero has won, the enemy resurfaces briefly for a final stand before dying.
Another purpose of the resurrection is so that the player can see clearly how the hero has evolved throughout the story. Has the hero changed? More important, does the hero have the answer to the question posed by the story?
The resurrection might also be in the form of an internal revelation for the character that the player might not have foreseen—a trick ending: "No, Luke…I am your father."
Now the story is over, and the hero returns to his ordinary world to resume life as normal. The player gets to see the hero enjoy the benefits of the reward, and the story is over. This is the last stage in the circular story form. The story returns completely to its starting point so that comparisons can be drawn between the hero before and after.
However, a neatly tied-up story is not always desirable. Sometimes it is nice to leave a few questions open. One of the most popular forms of ending for a story is the "new beginning." In this type of ending, the story continues in the imagination of the player long after the game is completed. The player is left asking, "What happens next?" and the way is left open for a continuation or a sequel.
The most obvious example of this is Half-Life. The story line for this game contains a last-minute plot twist. Just when you think Gordon Freeman is about to escape, he is accosted by a man in black (who has been covertly watching Gordon during the entire game) and is offered two choices. We won't spoil the surprise for those of you who have not played the game to completion; suffice to say that it is certainly an unexpected twist. The reward in this case has mutated from freedom to something else entirely.
The most common format for a story is the three-act structure. This is by no means the only structure, but it seems to be the most common structure. For example, some of Shakespeare's plays use different structures, such as five- and seven-act ones. However, most modern stories conform to the more common three-act structure, and that's what we'll concentrate on here.
The hero's journey is often used in a circular story form split into three acts. This does not mean that all stories return exactly to their starting point and circumstances. Often the manifestation of the circular form means that the hero's special world becomes his new ordinary world. How the hero's journey is related to the circular form is shown in Figure 4.9.
英雄之旅常用于分为三幕的循环故事形式。但这并不意味着所有故事都会完全回到起点和环境。通常情况下,循环形式的表现意味着英雄的特殊世界变成了他新的普通世界。英雄之旅与循环形式的关系如图 4.9 所示。
Figure 4.9. The circular story form. 图 4.9. 循环故事形式。
Classically, this story form is used in literature and movies. It also applies directly to story-focused games and can be used as a guideline for games in which stories are present but are not the primary focus. Let's discuss the figure in some more detail.
The first act deals with the introduction of the hero and the ordinary world. The end of the first act is the point at which the hero prepares to cross the first threshold and enter the special world.
Act 2 is the longest act and takes place entirely in the special world. This act is often split into two parts, with the end of the first part coinciding with the ordeal. The second part begins with a change of pace; the story now begins to wind down, and the farthest point in the journey has been reached.
Act 2 ends with the road back, and the beginning of the third act heralds the return of the hero to the ordinary world, ending back where the story started in the ordinary world (although not necessarily the same one that the hero left).
The converse of the circular story form is the open-ended form. Here, the story is not tied up nicely as in the circular case. Plot strands are deliberately left open so that there is a sense of unresolved ambiguities and unanswered questions. This form is not often used in stories in Western culture and is often reserved for serials. Two classic movie examples of this form are Robert Zemeckis's Back to the Future, Part II and George Lucas's The Empire Strikes Back. In both of these films, we are left with many unanswered questions, leaving the way wide open for the sequels. Of course, the worst sin of the storyteller is to artificially include a fake plot element simply to force the circle to a close.
We previously mentioned that the plot can be paced in one of two main ways. The position of the crisis in the story makes the difference in the feel of the story: Whether the third act is a quick resolution or a slow wind-down of the story depends on it.
Given a conventional three-act structure in which the long second act is usually split into two parts, there are two main points at which the crisis occurs. How these are used is related to the pacing of the plot. The standard approach (shown in Figure 4.10) is to slowly build up to the ordeal at the end of Act 2 and move on fairly swiftly to the final climax. This approach is the more common one, both in games and in the movies. It allows the story to concentrate on the pre-ordeal story line, and after the reward is claimed, it tidies things up quickly.
在传统的三幕结构中,较长的第二幕通常被分为两个部分,危机主要出现在两个点上。如何使用这两个点关系到情节的节奏。标准的方法(如图 4.10 所示)是在第二幕结尾处慢慢铺垫磨难,然后相当迅速地进入最后的高潮。这种方法在游戏和电影中都比较常见。这种方法可以让故事集中在磨难前的故事主线上,而在领到奖励后,又可以迅速收尾。
Figure 4.10. Delayed crisis in a three-act story. 图 4.10. 三幕故事中的延迟危机。
That's one approach to plot pacing. The other common one is the central crisis. Here, Act 3 is lengthened so that the ordeal occurs roughly in the middle of the story, giving a symmetrical appearance. This approach allows for the consequences of the ordeal and the claiming of the reward to be expounded upon in more detail. Both halves of the story have equal importance, both pre- and post-ordeal. Often this can be used to give the villain a fighting chance to reclaim the reward and kill the hero, a sort of "just when you thought it was over" approach to the story. This form (shown in Figure 4.11) has not been used much in the games industry so far. This is a shame because it seems a bit naïve to assume that everything turns up rosy after the hero has claimed the reward. As we all know, sometimes that is not the case. For example, E.E. "Doc" Smith used an interesting variant of this in writing his Lensman and Skylark novels.
这是情节节奏的一种方法。另一种常见的方法是中心危机。在这里,第三幕被拉长,使磨难大致发生在故事的中间,给人一种对称的感觉。这种做法可以更详细地阐述磨难的后果和获取奖赏的过程。故事的前后两部分具有同等的重要性。这通常可以用来给反派一个夺回奖赏和杀死英雄的机会,一种“就在你以为一切都结束的时候”的故事方式。迄今为止,这种形式(如图 4.11 所示)在游戏行业中使用得并不多。这是一种遗憾,因为假设英雄获取奖励后一切都会变得美好,这似乎有点天真。众所周知,有时情况并非如此。例如,爱德华‧艾默‧史密斯在创作《透镜人》和《云雀》小说时,就曾使用过这种有趣的变体。
Figure 4.11. Central crisis in a three-act story. 图 4.11. 三幕故事中的中心危机。
In this book, we've defined narrative to mean the noninteractive part of a computer game's story, the part in which you as the designer and author tell the player things without letting him do anything. This definition ignores literary theory and all the academic debate that surrounds modern creative writing, but it serves our purpose: to discuss the nature of storytelling in games and the relationship between interactive and noninteractive elements.
From this definition, you can see that a game's story content can be divided into interactive and noninteractive parts: the gameplay and the narrative. These exist in inverse proportion to one another: The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. A novel or a movie has no gameplay; it is entirely narrative. A simple arcade game such as Space Invaders has no narrative; it is entirely gameplay. The majority of home computer and console games lie somewhere in between; they seek to strike a balance between gameplay and narrative. You, as the designer, must decide where that balance lies.
To make that determination, you have to ask what function narrative will have in your game. At first glance, it might seem to be pointless. A game is a form of participatory entertainment, and purists would say that any nonparticipatory elements are extraneous. A number of players feel that way, too: As soon as they are given some text to read or see a movie come up, they hit whatever button will skip past it and take them on to the gameplay. These kinds of players tend to be core gamers, motivated primarily by the challenges in the game and the desire to defeat them. To them, beating the game is its own reward, and they need nothing else.
Not all players are this eager to dive headfirst into the action, however. Casual gamers, who play for the enjoyment of being in the game's fantasy world, need to have the stage set for them. They need to feel part of something larger, a story that will excite their imaginations. Casual gamers also need rewards for overcoming the game's challenges. For them, it's not sufficient to know that they've defeated a dragon; there must be a reason to do it and a positive consequence for having done it. Both the reason and the consequence are given to them through narrative, expository material that tells them, "The dragon is eating all our herds and soon the peasants will starve" and "The King is greatly pleased with you."
The sights and sounds in your game, the graphics and audio, create the immediate physical embodiment of your game's setting, but that's not enough to establish a credible game world. Those sights and sounds should be informed by an underlying culture and a history that dictates not only how the world looks, but why it looks that way. If you don't design that culture and history, the game world will feel like a theme park: all false fronts and a thin, gaudy veneer over the game's mechanics. To establish the feeling of richness and depth, you must create a backstory, and some of that backstory must be revealed through narration.
Action games, sports games, and vehicle simulations seldom include much narrative. They emphasize the activity, or interactivity, of the moment; for the core gamer, that activity is its own reward. Even so, you can attract a larger audience if you offer a story line to maintain the casual player's interest. The casual player wants that story because the action alone doesn't do it for her. Consider two first-person shooter games: In one, you offer 25 different, unrelated levels of varying degrees of difficulty. All the player knows is that she has to kill all the enemies to win. In the other, each level is an episode in a larger story, tied together with narrative material that explains why the player is there and what her exertions are in aid of. The second will undoubtedly cost more to make, but it will also appeal to more people. Those who care nothing for narrative will ignore it, but those who need narrative to motivate them will be rewarded.
动作游戏、体育游戏和驾驶模拟游戏很少包含太多的叙事。它们强调的是瞬间的活动或互动性;对于核心玩家来说,活动本身就是一种奖励。即便如此,如果能提供一条故事线来维持休闲玩家的兴趣,就能吸引更多的玩家。休闲玩家需要故事,因为单靠动作本身并不能吸引他们。请看两款第一人称射击游戏:在其中一款游戏中,你提供了 25 个难度各异、互不相关的关卡。玩家只知道她必须杀死所有敌人才能获胜。而在另一款游戏中,每个关卡都是一个更大故事中的一段,用叙事材料串联起来,解释玩家为什么会出现在那里,她的努力是为了什么。毫无疑问,第二种游戏的制作成本会更高,但也会吸引更多的人。那些对叙事毫不在意的人会忽略它,但那些需要叙事来激励自己的人会得到回报。
If you offer too much narrative and too little gameplay, however, your game will feel as if it is a bad value for the money. A number of games have made this mistake. Players are paying for the opportunity to act out a fantasy. If most of your game's content is noninteractive, they'll feel cheated—they won't get the experience that they paid for.
The other problem with too much narrative is that it tends to make the game feel as if it's on rails. It's very linear, as if the only purpose the player's actions serve is to move the game toward a predestined conclusion. Of course, unless you've written a game with multiple endings, the conclusion is predestined, but the goal is to make the player feel as if he is in a story of his own telling. When you as the designer take over too much of the telling, the player feels as if he's being led by the nose. He doesn't have the freedom to play the game in his own way, to create his own experience for himself.
The raison d'être of all computer gaming is interactivity: giving the player something to do that he cannot do in the real world. The trick, then, is to provide enough narrative to create the game world and motivate the player, but not so much as to inhibit his freedom to meet the game's challenges in his own way. Consider this paraphrase of the words of the wizard Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: "We cannot choose the times in which we live. All we can decide is what to do with the time that is given us." The player cannot decide the world in which he plays; that is for you, the designer, to determine. But he must be allowed to decide for himself what to do within that world, or there is no point in playing. When you create your game's narrative segments, try to avoid seizing control of the player's avatar. In too many games, the player reaches a certain point and then the narrative takes over and makes the avatar do something that the player might not choose to do. It is fair to change the world around the avatar in response to the player's actions; it is less fair to suddenly take control of the avatar away from the player.
Not all stories are told in one session. The games industry has expressed much interest in the possibilities provided by episodic delivery. This can mean anything from a simple sequel to a hit game (as in the Final Fantasy series) or a properly episodic game such as the ill-fated Majestic from Electronic Arts.
There are three main forms for episodic delivery; these are indicated in Figures 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 and are discussed in the following sections.
分集交付有三种主要形式,如图 4.12、4.13 和 4.14 所示,下文将对此进行讨论。
Figure 4.12. An example of series structure. 图 4.12. 系列剧结构的例子。
Figure 4.13. An example of serial structure. 图 4.13. 连续剧结构的例子。
Figure 4.14. An example of episodic delivery structure. 图 4.14. 分集交付结构的例子。
A series is a limited sequence of episodes. Each episode is a self-contained story in which one major plot strand is resolved per episode. Usually, an overriding theme runs from the beginning of the series through to the end, as shown in Figure 4.12.
系列剧是一连串有限的剧集。每一集都是一个自成一体的故事,每集解决一个主要情节。通常,如图 4.12 所示,一个压倒一切的主题会从系列的开头一直贯穿到结尾。
This is the format used in the majority of game series. Each game in the series contains a complete story set against the consistent world. The games in the series are often linked by a grand overarching plot. To get a handle on the concept, imagine a series of films such as Die Hard or The Godfather trilogy. Each film has a self-contained plot, and each can be viewed individually with little disadvantage, even though there is a consistent world and an overarching theme that ties the series together.
A serial is a (theoretically) infinite sequence of episodes. Serials are similar in nature to a series, except that the plot threads are not usually neatly resolved by each episode and there is generally no overarching story line—and, hence, no closure. To maintain interest, each episode generally ends halfway through the major plot strand, creating a cliffhanger situation that hopefully creates the "can't wait" feeling for the next episode.
Serials are designed to run and run. They rely on a large cast of characters, of whom a subset are involved in three or four different (and often quite independent) subplots at any one time. As one subplot ends, another one begins, using a new group of (formerly dormant) characters. Serials lack the grand sense of resolution that the hero's journey provides. Instead, they offer opportunities to observe different characters interacting under a variety of stresses. The cliffhanger at the end of each episode usually involves some shocking revelation that leaves us wondering how a key character will react to the news. One might say that serials are character-driven rather than plot-driven and involve a large number of archetypal characters: the bully, the good-hearted loser, the shrew, the plain but loving girl, the beautiful scheming woman, the ne'er-do-well, and so on. Occasionally, one of these characters will undergo a trauma so extreme that it produces a character transformation—for example, turning the noble young man into an evil schemer, which is, in effect, another plot twist.
If the serial comes to an end, it's usually because of the failure of the story, either because of falling ratings or sales or because the story writers ran out of ideas (although judging by some of the soap operas on television, some serials seem to have survived even beyond that particular death blow). The specific grisly fate that a serial comes to can be determined by how it ends. If it ends abruptly, with no attempt at plot resolution, it's a pretty good bet that sales or ratings fell. If some attempt at closure is made, the serial probably came to a natural end. Comparisons for serials are soap operas such as Dallas, or the old Saturday morning serials that most of you are probably too young to remember, such as Rocket Man, Flash Gordon, and The Incredible Hulk.
You might be wondering why we're going to such lengths describing something that seems to apply only to television. With the advent of games such as Majestic and the continued rumbling of the industry on the subject of episodic (or Webisodic) games, it's a fair bet that we're going to be seeing attempts at providing some sort of interactive serials over the next few years. How successful these will be is open to argument, but being able to charge a monthly fee for new material is a very appealing honey pot. (Witness the success of EverQuest, with roughly 400,000 subscribers each shelling out $10 a month for access.) Figure 4.13 is a depiction of the structure of a serial.
你可能会奇怪,为什么我们要花这么大的篇幅来描述一些似乎只适用于电视的东西。随着《宏伟》等游戏的出现,以及业界对剧情式(或网络剧)游戏话题的持续热议,可以肯定的是,在接下来的几年里,我们将会看到有人尝试提供某种互动式连续剧。至于成功的可能性有多大,还有待商榷,但能够每月为新资料收费却是一个非常诱人的蜜罐(《无尽的任务》的成功就是最好的证明,它拥有大约 40 万名用户,每人每月支付 10 美元)。图 4.13 描述了连续剧的结构。
An episodic delivery is a cross between the serial and the series. Like the series, the episodic delivery contains a limited number of episodes, with an overall story line that is followed across the entirety. Unlike the series, however, there is often fairly tight integration between episodes and significant overlap of plot threads. This is similar to the serial, in which the plots thread across episodes.
Unlike the serial, this format doesn't rely so heavily on cliffhangers to end episodes and create interest in the subsequent episodes. Instead, the overall story line provides the driving interest, and the cliffhanger is used only as a secondary means of support (see Figure 4.14).
与连续剧不同的是,这种形式并不严重依赖悬念来结束剧集和引起观众对后续剧集的兴趣。相反,整体故事线提供了驱动兴趣,悬念只是作为辅助手段(见图 4.14)。
Bearing in mind that we already have series-based games, we believe that episodic delivery is the form that most attempts at interactive episode-based entertainment will take, at least initially. If the medium takes off and is financially viable, we gradually might begin to see interactive serials, with no fixed episode count and a constantly evolving story. The only fly in the soup as far as this is concerned is the difficulty of sustained content creation. There will have to be some evolution in the methods used to create the content for such endeavors.
Storytelling and Narrative Worksheet 讲故事和叙事工作表
Does the game require a story, or is it entirely abstract? If it is abstract, would a story add to or detract from its appeal? 游戏需要故事,还是完全抽象?如果是抽象的,故事会增加还是减少它的吸引力?
Can the story begin at the beginning of the game, or would the game benefit from a backstory as well? 故事能否从游戏开始时就展开,还是游戏也会从背景故事中获益?
Will the story make use of the monomyth? Which elements? If not, what form will it have? 故事是否会使用“单一神话”?用了哪些元素?如果不使用,它将采用什么形式?
Will the story have a three-act structure or something else, and if so, what? Will it be open-ended, leaving some plot threads unresolved? 故事是采用三幕结构还是其他结构?会不会是开放式的,留下一些未解决的情节线索?
How will the plot be paced? Graph out the major points of crisis, climax, rest, and resolution. 情节节奏如何?绘制出危机、高潮、休止和解决的主要节点。
Will the game include narrative (that is, non-interactive) material? What role will it play—an introduction, mission briefing, transitional material, a conclusion, character definition? Is the narrative essential for the player to understand and play the game? 游戏是否会包含叙事(即非互动)材料?它将扮演什么角色——引言、任务简报、过渡材料、结尾、角色定义?叙事对于玩家理解和玩游戏是否必不可少?
Will the narrative material be integrated seamlessly into the gameplay, or will it be a separate screen or interface element? Will the player be able to interrupt or ignore it? 叙事材料是与游戏无缝整合,还是作为单独的屏幕或界面元素?玩家能否打断或忽略它?
What form will the narrative material take? Pages in the manual? Introductory text in the program? Movies? Cut-scenes? 叙事材料将采取什么形式?手册中的页面?程序中的介绍性文字?电影?过场动画?
Will the story be multi-part? How will the plotlines be handled: as a series, a serial, or episodically? 故事是否由多个部分组成?如何处理情节线:系列、连续还是分集?
The importance of story to a game tends to vary according to the complexity of the game. Of course, the importance of a story to a game is usually much less than the importance of a story to a movie. This is because of that magic ingredient, interactivity. Interactivity, at least currently, is at loggerheads with story. The more interactivity is desired, the less we can force the player to follow the story line.
Actually, that's not quite true. Apart from technical limitations, there is no reason why a story cannot be fully interactive and still be satisfying. Star Trek's holodeck often featured realistic characters and story lines, which adapted realistically to the characters. Of course, we're still a long way from that, even at the most basic level. Chris Crawford's Erasmatron (available from makes bold strides in this direction, but there is still a long way to go.
事实上,这并不完全正确。除了技术上的限制外,故事没有理由不能完全互动,而且还能令人满意。《星际迷航》中的全息甲板经常出现逼真的人物和故事线,它们都能真实地适应人物。当然,即使在最基本的层面上,我们离这个目标还有很长的路要走。克里斯·克劳福德的《Erasmatron》(可从 上下载)在这方面迈出了大胆的步伐,但还有很长的路要走。
As we've already stated, not all games need a well-developed story—or even a story at all. For those that do, the stories we've seen so far are generally not that strong. Even the best of them would not make good movies. Those games that have crossed over into movies have been (virtually without exception) poor. Consider the screen versions of Final Fantasy, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Brothers, and Tomb Raider. Granted, the original story lines of the games were not that strong to begin with (with the possible exception of Final Fantasy), but watching the films, it becomes clear that they certainly weren't strong enough to support a film.
The techniques presented in this chapter are useful for guiding your story development. Remember, however, that story creation is not a formulaic activity. A fair amount of grunt work and creativity still is required. In the words of Christopher Vogler, the hero's journey is a form, not a formula. That is, it's a pattern (one of many) that can be used to develop your game story.