Game Design 游戏设计
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There aren't a great many other books on game design (that's part of why we wrote this one), but we think some of the following offer useful perspectives:
Chris Crawford
Probably the first book in the field, and a classic. This book is no longer in print. Crawford will also soon be publishing a new work, Chris Crawford on Game Design (©2004, New Riders Publishing), to which we look forward with interest. 这可能是该领域的第一本书,也是一本经典之作。这本书已不再印刷。克劳福德不久还将出版新作《克里斯·克劳福德谈游戏设计》(©2004,新骑士出版社),我们对此充满期待。
Chris Crawford
David Freeman
Amy Jo Kim
Although this isn't technically a game design book, it is a highly regarded work on online communities and should be considered required reading for anyone who wants to build an online game or persistent world. 虽然从严格意义上讲,这不是一本游戏设计书籍,但它是一本备受推崇的网络社区著作,应该被视为任何想要构建网络游戏或持久世界的人的必读书。
Jesse James Garrett
Steve Johnson
Andrew Rollings/Dave Morris
Originally published by The Coriolis Group and soon to be reissued by New Riders. A giant tome on designing and building computer and video games from start to finish. It is the companion volume to this one. 最初由科里奥利集团出版,不久将由 New Riders 再版。这是一本从头到尾介绍如何设计和制作电脑游戏和视频游戏的巨著。它是这本书的配套书籍。
Francois Dominic Laramee
This is an extensive collection of essays by a variety of people on different topics, not all of them game design. 这是一本内容广泛的论文集,收录了不同人士关于不同主题的文章,但并非都是游戏设计方面的文章。
Marc Saltzman (editor)
Bob Bates
More of an introduction to the entire game business than a game design book. It's easy to read and nicely illustrated, and Bob Bates' credentials are impeccable. 与其说它是一本游戏设计书,不如说它是对整个游戏行业的介绍。这本书通俗易懂,图文并茂,鲍勃·贝茨的资历也无可挑剔。
Neal Hallford/Jana Hallford